Martes, Pebrero 17, 2015


We all know that many teenagers now a day are having exploration about the things that usually married couple do. Like what I said in my previous blog post children and teenagers are the one who are more curious about how the things create and how to create a thing. As I can notice many teenagers are very curious when it comes to intercourse. That’s why they have a misadventure in life.

I read an article entitled “Teenage pregnancy on the rise” from the site OPINION with its writer Domini M. Torrevillas.

She discus that teenager should not be engage in early sex or even before marriage. She also discusses the figures made to show globally and she also discusses in this article the annual report of the UNFPA-Philippines. The figures stated that 14-16 million teenager girls between 15 to 19 years old are giving birth every year and pregnancy related deaths are the leading causes of deaths for teenage girls at young ages. The annual report of UNFPA is all about the report that teenage pregnancy in the country. It is stated their that the percentage rose by 70% in a span of 1 year from 114,205 in year 1999 to 195,662 in 2009.

According to Domini “A high rate of teen pregnancy also means a high risk for maternal deaths among our young girls”. I agree with her because it is true that the younger the pregnant teenager was, the high risk for maternal deaths, because I think their body is weak because it is just starting to developed to be a full adult.

I search another article entitled” What Are the Causes of Teenage Pregnancy?” from the site LIVESTRONG.COM with its writer R. Y. Langham.

He discus in the article what teenage pregnancy is.  He defines what teenage pregnancy is.  He also discuss the causes of the teenage pregnancy.   The first cause that he discuss is about “Peer Pressure”, he discuss here that during the teenage days teenagers are feeling pressure to have their friends and to be fit with their friends. The second cause that he discuss is the ” Absent Parents”, he discuss here that teenager girls are more likely to get pregnant if they get limited attention coming from their parents. The third cause that he discuss is “Glamorization of Pregnancy”, he discuss here that movie industry and media has a big contribution to the teenage pregnancy. The fourth cause that he discuss is “Lack of Knowledge” he discuss here that some of the teenagers do not fully understand the biological and emotional aspects in having intercourse.  The fifth cause that he discuss is “Sexual Abuse or Rape”, he discuss here that some teenager was accidentally got pregnant because of rape or sexual abuse. The sixth cause that he gave was “Teenage Drinking” , he discuss here that some teenager was drunk that time when they made it, that’s why they are not in their normal way of thinking.

According to R. Y. Langham “Teenage pregnancy is defined as an unintended pregnancy during adolescence”, I agree with him because when you are a teenager your body is not totally ready to carry a baby. Because your body is just starting to developed.

Here in the Philippines I think many teleserye are promoting teenage pregnancy like bagito, katorse, rubi and angelito: ang batang ama. This teleserye are showing things that only married couple do, I think because of this many teenagers are being curious about those things and try it by themselves.

I found an article entitled “Does Media Affect Teen Pregnancy?” from the site with its writer Hillary Silvers.

In this article she discus about how media / television programs affects teenage pregnancy that was promoted in the MTV’s and television shows. She also discus here the approximation of 750,000 teenage girls ages from fifteen to nineteen are affected by teenage pregnancy every year. In these blog post the writer conduct a survey about does the media affects teenage pregnancy?, the answer was came from the different persons with different professions and working in different filled.

According to Hillary “Absolutely. I mean, this (teenage pregnancy) is an epidemic, but it's a preventable epidemic” I agree with her because I also believe that teenagers can prevent teenage pregnancy if they  want too.

With this blog post I conclude that many female teenagers were being pregnant in an early age, and I also know that there are many causes that affect the life of the modern teenager. Many teenagers were influenced by their peer group, media, and many other things in life that causes them to engage in to these situations in their life. In these blog post too I learn how the media affects the teenage pregnancy.

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