Martes, Pebrero 10, 2015


Here in the Philippines many people specially teenagers have misadventures or failure in life because of curiosity. I remember my classmate back in high school, I heard them talking about having intercourse, my   classmate ask my other classmate ‘what is the feeling of having an intercourse’, I heard my other classmate answer ‘it feels like heaven’ and because of curiosity of my classmate on what is the heaven feeling that my other classmate tell her she try it, that’s why she got pregnant and she began to be a mother at early age of 15.

I read an article entitled “4 Reasons Why Curiosity is Important and How to Develop It” from the site Lifehack with its writer Donald Latumahina.

In this article he discusses the four reasons why curiosity is important. First  reason," It makes your mind active instead of passive", he discuss here that when a person is curious he/she always have a question in mind and he/she always find the answer in all of his/her questions. Second reason," It makes your mind observant of new ideas", he discuss here that when we are curious about something  our mind expects and anticipate new ideas related to it, he also discuss here that without curiosity our ideas cannot pass right. Third reason," It opens up new worlds and possibilities", he discuss here that when we are curious we discover new worlds and possibilities that we cannot see with our naked eyes. And the Forth reason," It brings excitement into your life", he discuss here that being curious in something can take us away from boredom.

He also discuss in this article the importance of curiosity, he gave some tips to develop our curiosity, like "Keeping our mind open" for new ideas and a possibility of changing of mind, "Don’t take things as granted" and do not be just contented on what you know you need to dig deeper to know more, "Ask questions relentlessly", for us to dig deeper we need to ask questions like What?, Where?, When?, How?, Who? And Why?," Don’t label something as boring" because if you do so you close the door of the opportunities of having a new idea, "See learning as something fun", when you think that learning is a burden then you do not want to dig deeper to have new ideas and you just stay on what you know," Read diverse kinds of reading" like reading magazines and other book and let our mind explore on what we read and for us to know new things and knowledge.

According to Donald “Curiosity is an important trait of a genius”. I agree with him because being curious on something is gaining more knowledge. And most of our artworks, gadgets, technologies and theories of our philosophers are made by curiosity.

After reading the article, I notice that children and teenagers are the one who are very curious in knowing everything.

That's why I search to the internet and luckily I found this article entitled “The Curiosity Factor” written by Linda L. Simmons from the site netplaces.

The article mentioned how children and teenagers have great curiosity and how they think and pretend that they are grownups like an adult. It also mentioned how the R-rated movies are tempting to the teenagers and children and how it affects them. The article discusses how the movies, television, video games, and music videos have an effect even more powerful than direct advertisements. It also shows that curiosity is powerful even it shows that greater percentage of young men are more engage in pornography that young women.

According to Linda “A child or an adolescent in particular may have great curiosity about the things he encounters in the world” I agree with her because I believe that when a person or a child is growing up he/she have many questions in mind ,like what if…?, how does it happen? And many more.

I conclude that curiosity makes us think and dig deeper, and curiosity is one of our stepping stone to gain more knowledge, curiosity makes us crave for more knowledge, make us active, observant, it opens new world and possibilities and it bring experiment to our mind. That’s why many people specially teenagers have misadventures because of curiosity. They bring experiment not only with their mind but also with their body.
The curiosity that we encounter every time gives us new knowledge that we can use in the future. But not all our curiosity give us good ideas, because sometime our curiosity lead us to do things that is not  acceptable by our law. That is the reason why not all of our curiosity can lead us to the right thing. That’s why teenagers has misadventures because of curiosity.

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