Miyerkules, Pebrero 25, 2015


Many teenagers and children now a day are addicted to drugs; some of them are because of peer pressure while the others are because of curiosity.  Teenagers and children are more curious about something that’s why they are the one who are easy to believe. Because they are curiosity they will tend to try a little amount of drugs until one day they would realize that they are addicted to it.

I read an article entitled “What is drug abuse?” from the site medicinenet.com with its writer Roxanne Dryden-Edwards.

She discusses the definition of drug abuse according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. It was stated there that drug users are the one who have many problems, that includes difficulties because of drug uses.

She also discusses in this article the stages of drug use. First stage that she discus is the “described as access to drugs but no use thereof”, in this stage she discus that the risk of the factors make teenagers exposed to drug abuse. The Second stage that she discus was “ranges from experimentation or occasional use to regular weekly use of substances”. The Third stage that she discus was “characterized by youth progressing to further increasing the frequency of using one or more drugs on a regular basis”, this stage includes buying selling and other transaction that teenager do when it comes to drugs. The Fourth stage that she discus was “adolescents have established regular usage”. And last but not the lease. The Fifth stage that she discus was “defined by the youth only feeling "normal" when they are using”, in this stage the teenagers was engaged to the bad doings like steeling, drug racing, physical fights , and many more.

According to Roxanne “using more of a substance or for longer time than intended, and other life problems because of their use of a drug or drugs”. I agree with her because I think the drug abuse starts with tasting a little amount of drugs until they felt that there are good effects that drugs bring to them, and when the time goes by they will increase the amount of the drugs they intake because they think that the small amount that they take is not that effective any more.

Because of what I read in my previous article I become curious in the effects of drugs so I research the effects of it. Luckily I found the effects of the drugs in the same site and with same writer that I use in my previews article.

Luckily I found this article entitled “What are the dangerous effects of drug use in teens?” from the site medicinenet.com with its writer Roxanne Dryden-Edwards.

She discus here the effects of drug use/ abuse for teenager.  The First effect that she discus was about the attention of the teenagers. The Second effect that she discus was about the feeling of needing a drugs when they want to quit in using drugs. The Third effect that she discus was about the eagerness of a teenager in having an unprotected intercourse with a stranger and having a rape cases. The Fourth effect that she discus was about the cases that the teenagers are having a hallucinations and emotional problems like anxiety, mood swings, and even depression. The Fifth effect that she discus was about drugs can cause baldness, heart attacks, strokes, liver disease, cancer, acne and infections, including HIV/AIDS in both sexes. The Sixth effect that she discus was about drugs can cause death.

According to Roxanne “The younger a person is when they begin using drugs the more likely they are to develop a substance-abuse” I agree with her because it is true that the younger age of a person  uses drugs the higher the risk of him/her to be addicted to it.

In teleserye and film/movies, there are many instances that they promote drugs like in  A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream WarriorsBabel  and . These films/movies and teleserye are the one who makes the teenagers more curious in using drugs that leads to drug abuse after a long time.

I found a article entitled “Do Movies and TV Series Influence Drug Use?” from the site floridabeachrehab.com with its writer Adam Barny.

In this article he discus about the question “Do TV shows depicting drug use promote the use of drugs or do they help prevent substance abuse?”. He discus that their are many movie and teleserye that showing weeds, and some of the actors/character in the story are required to use drugs because  it is part of the story, but the children and teenagers are curious and  do not know that using drugs is  an illegal doing.

According to Adam “For a while I tried to convince others that Breaking Bad doesn't really glorify meth; in fact, it mercilessly portrays the self destruction that follows naturally from meth addiction. I argued that the show doesn’t promote meth any more than Schindler’s List promotes Nazism — that is, it may desensitize viewers to the horrors of that particular world, but it would never encourage them to adopt the lifestyle. After all, it’s only a TV show” I agree with him because not all thing that we can see in our television is appropriate, sometimes the things that we can saw in our television is bad and not appropriate.

With these two articles, I conclude that drugs can really destroy human’s life (family, career, personality, the way how we think and many more). There are many things that drugs can cause to us. Some people uses drugs because of problems in life, but do they even think that drugs cannot give solution to their problems, yes it can cause happiness and contentment for some, but after the effect of the drugs they will be back in reality, reality that their problem is still there, that using drugs do not give the solution to their problems. So to wrap this up I think we people  do not need to use/depend on drugs because drugs can destroy our life. And i also learn that not all that we can see in our television is good and appropriate.

Martes, Pebrero 17, 2015


We all know that many teenagers now a day are having exploration about the things that usually married couple do. Like what I said in my previous blog post children and teenagers are the one who are more curious about how the things create and how to create a thing. As I can notice many teenagers are very curious when it comes to intercourse. That’s why they have a misadventure in life.

I read an article entitled “Teenage pregnancy on the rise” from the site OPINION with its writer Domini M. Torrevillas.

She discus that teenager should not be engage in early sex or even before marriage. She also discusses the figures made to show globally and she also discusses in this article the annual report of the UNFPA-Philippines. The figures stated that 14-16 million teenager girls between 15 to 19 years old are giving birth every year and pregnancy related deaths are the leading causes of deaths for teenage girls at young ages. The annual report of UNFPA is all about the report that teenage pregnancy in the country. It is stated their that the percentage rose by 70% in a span of 1 year from 114,205 in year 1999 to 195,662 in 2009.

According to Domini “A high rate of teen pregnancy also means a high risk for maternal deaths among our young girls”. I agree with her because it is true that the younger the pregnant teenager was, the high risk for maternal deaths, because I think their body is weak because it is just starting to developed to be a full adult.

I search another article entitled” What Are the Causes of Teenage Pregnancy?” from the site LIVESTRONG.COM with its writer R. Y. Langham.

He discus in the article what teenage pregnancy is.  He defines what teenage pregnancy is.  He also discuss the causes of the teenage pregnancy.   The first cause that he discuss is about “Peer Pressure”, he discuss here that during the teenage days teenagers are feeling pressure to have their friends and to be fit with their friends. The second cause that he discuss is the ” Absent Parents”, he discuss here that teenager girls are more likely to get pregnant if they get limited attention coming from their parents. The third cause that he discuss is “Glamorization of Pregnancy”, he discuss here that movie industry and media has a big contribution to the teenage pregnancy. The fourth cause that he discuss is “Lack of Knowledge” he discuss here that some of the teenagers do not fully understand the biological and emotional aspects in having intercourse.  The fifth cause that he discuss is “Sexual Abuse or Rape”, he discuss here that some teenager was accidentally got pregnant because of rape or sexual abuse. The sixth cause that he gave was “Teenage Drinking” , he discuss here that some teenager was drunk that time when they made it, that’s why they are not in their normal way of thinking.

According to R. Y. Langham “Teenage pregnancy is defined as an unintended pregnancy during adolescence”, I agree with him because when you are a teenager your body is not totally ready to carry a baby. Because your body is just starting to developed.

Here in the Philippines I think many teleserye are promoting teenage pregnancy like bagito, katorse, rubi and angelito: ang batang ama. This teleserye are showing things that only married couple do, I think because of this many teenagers are being curious about those things and try it by themselves.

I found an article entitled “Does Media Affect Teen Pregnancy?” from the site divinecaroline.com with its writer Hillary Silvers.

In this article she discus about how media / television programs affects teenage pregnancy that was promoted in the MTV’s and television shows. She also discus here the approximation of 750,000 teenage girls ages from fifteen to nineteen are affected by teenage pregnancy every year. In these blog post the writer conduct a survey about does the media affects teenage pregnancy?, the answer was came from the different persons with different professions and working in different filled.

According to Hillary “Absolutely. I mean, this (teenage pregnancy) is an epidemic, but it's a preventable epidemic” I agree with her because I also believe that teenagers can prevent teenage pregnancy if they  want too.

With this blog post I conclude that many female teenagers were being pregnant in an early age, and I also know that there are many causes that affect the life of the modern teenager. Many teenagers were influenced by their peer group, media, and many other things in life that causes them to engage in to these situations in their life. In these blog post too I learn how the media affects the teenage pregnancy.

Martes, Pebrero 10, 2015


Here in the Philippines many people specially teenagers have misadventures or failure in life because of curiosity. I remember my classmate back in high school, I heard them talking about having intercourse, my   classmate ask my other classmate ‘what is the feeling of having an intercourse’, I heard my other classmate answer ‘it feels like heaven’ and because of curiosity of my classmate on what is the heaven feeling that my other classmate tell her she try it, that’s why she got pregnant and she began to be a mother at early age of 15.

I read an article entitled “4 Reasons Why Curiosity is Important and How to Develop It” from the site Lifehack with its writer Donald Latumahina.

In this article he discusses the four reasons why curiosity is important. First  reason," It makes your mind active instead of passive", he discuss here that when a person is curious he/she always have a question in mind and he/she always find the answer in all of his/her questions. Second reason," It makes your mind observant of new ideas", he discuss here that when we are curious about something  our mind expects and anticipate new ideas related to it, he also discuss here that without curiosity our ideas cannot pass right. Third reason," It opens up new worlds and possibilities", he discuss here that when we are curious we discover new worlds and possibilities that we cannot see with our naked eyes. And the Forth reason," It brings excitement into your life", he discuss here that being curious in something can take us away from boredom.

He also discuss in this article the importance of curiosity, he gave some tips to develop our curiosity, like "Keeping our mind open" for new ideas and a possibility of changing of mind, "Don’t take things as granted" and do not be just contented on what you know you need to dig deeper to know more, "Ask questions relentlessly", for us to dig deeper we need to ask questions like What?, Where?, When?, How?, Who? And Why?," Don’t label something as boring" because if you do so you close the door of the opportunities of having a new idea, "See learning as something fun", when you think that learning is a burden then you do not want to dig deeper to have new ideas and you just stay on what you know," Read diverse kinds of reading" like reading magazines and other book and let our mind explore on what we read and for us to know new things and knowledge.

According to Donald “Curiosity is an important trait of a genius”. I agree with him because being curious on something is gaining more knowledge. And most of our artworks, gadgets, technologies and theories of our philosophers are made by curiosity.

After reading the article, I notice that children and teenagers are the one who are very curious in knowing everything.

That's why I search to the internet and luckily I found this article entitled “The Curiosity Factor” written by Linda L. Simmons from the site netplaces.

The article mentioned how children and teenagers have great curiosity and how they think and pretend that they are grownups like an adult. It also mentioned how the R-rated movies are tempting to the teenagers and children and how it affects them. The article discusses how the movies, television, video games, and music videos have an effect even more powerful than direct advertisements. It also shows that curiosity is powerful even it shows that greater percentage of young men are more engage in pornography that young women.

According to Linda “A child or an adolescent in particular may have great curiosity about the things he encounters in the world” I agree with her because I believe that when a person or a child is growing up he/she have many questions in mind ,like what if…?, how does it happen? And many more.

I conclude that curiosity makes us think and dig deeper, and curiosity is one of our stepping stone to gain more knowledge, curiosity makes us crave for more knowledge, make us active, observant, it opens new world and possibilities and it bring experiment to our mind. That’s why many people specially teenagers have misadventures because of curiosity. They bring experiment not only with their mind but also with their body.
The curiosity that we encounter every time gives us new knowledge that we can use in the future. But not all our curiosity give us good ideas, because sometime our curiosity lead us to do things that is not  acceptable by our law. That is the reason why not all of our curiosity can lead us to the right thing. That’s why teenagers has misadventures because of curiosity.